On Sept. 6 it was learned that Kyocera women's corporate team head coach Atsushi Sato, 42 had submitted his resignation from his position and the company on Aug. 31. In an interview with the Fukushima Minyu newspaper Sato commented, "I couldn't produce the results that the company was looking for. The team was improving bit by bit, so it's very unfortunate." His assistant coach and wife Miho
On Sept. 6 it was learned that Kyocera women's corporate team head coach Atsushi Sato, 42 had submitted his resignation from his position and the company on Aug. 31. In an interview with the Fukushima Minyu newspaper Sato commented, "I couldn't produce the results that the company was looking for. The team was improving bit by bit, so it's very unfortunate." His assistant coach and wife Miho