Yes, labels make me happy.

You might remember from the tour of our playroom that labels make me happy.  And you might remember again from my love of Mabel's Labels that labels make me happy. 

Well, I just had to tell you how happy I was to find out someone as bizzarely uniquely in love with labels as I am.  Thrifty Decor Chick is a lot of fun, she's got great ideas for beautiful decorating on a very small (though most of the time admittedly still bigger than ours because right now we don't have funds allocated to decorating) budget.  Plus, now I know that she loves labels as much as I do.  In fact, she says they make her happy, just the way I do.  Now, if I only had the mad skills she has with a cordless drill, (or come to think of it, if only I had a cordless drill at all), and a miter saw (or yea, you guessed it, if only I had a miter saw at all).  But most of all, I want, wiping drool from the corner of my mouth, that beautiful Silhouette Craft Cutter she talks about in her love of labels post.  Oh the things I could do with vinyl... hmm, I'm not sure I meant that the way it sounded.  Oh well, at least I have something to aspire to in my labeling.  Did you see her pantry?    I'm going to go stare at the pictures some more.
