How To Use Search Queries in Webmaster Tools

How To Use Search Queries in Webmaster Tools – Google’s Video

We are all aware of Google webmaster tools and the reason the reason why Google wants all the webmasters to embed their site with GMT. The features of the GMT is so helpful and powerful that can assist you in many ways and can help you in bringing your blog or site to the top or at least to a reasonable position in search engine result pages. The tools like Url parameters, disavowing and lot other fantastic features are explained in these articles

We haven’t discussed anything about search queries feature provided by GMT, so I thought it would be better if I can share certain things that can help you in improving your sites performance in Google search.

Google’s View about “SEARCH QUERIES “Crawling, indexing and Ranking is the three important and obviously the only three things a search engine do with your website and final phase is generating results. So the Search Queries option in GMT gives you all the information about Google Web search queries that have returned from your site.


I hope the video explained about everything about “search queries” , Let’s try to understand few more things.

Search Queries Data in GMT :

How to view Search Queries

1: Go to Webmaster tools >> sign in or sign up >> Add your website if not added already, Else click your site
2: On the left menu you can see the "Traffic" and Then click "Search Queries"

Data Included in top Queries tab

Queries: The total number of search queries that had returned pages from your site at the given period of time.

Impressions: It denotes the number of times your site appeared in search results based on the queries along with the percentage in decrease / increase in the daily average comparison.

Clicks: Once your site is displayed in search result page, the number of times a user clicked your link for a query is given here.

CTR: so called Click through Rate denotes the percentage of impressions that resulted in click, so if the impressions is high and click through rate (CTR) is low, then you have to work a lot in your search engine optimization.

Average Position: It’s the average of the position of your site in search results compared with previous result or calculation.

The Top Pages tab has the same data table as the queries; the only difference is that the calculations are based on pages of your sites.

Understanding your audience is a key thing while trying to earn money from blogging, this tool exactly provides you a helping hand in this issue. Check your top performing query and low ones, start optimizing low performing ones so that you can get more traffic out of it. As I said before, if your impression is more and CTR is less you need to concentrate in SEO. Just like top queries, top pages should give you all the information’s about your pages, make use of it too.
