How to Choose Your Best Keywords Without a Search Tool
When you begin working on an online marketing campaign, you will immediately recognize the importance of using the right keywords to boost your content’s search engine optimization. Choosing the wrong keywords can lead to lackluster results for your website. So how do you find the ideal keywords for your business?
Many people turn to online keyword search tools for help. These can be very helpful, however, there are a few things that you need to do before turning to one of these suggestion tools for your keyword research.
Describe your business in simplified terms.
When you sit down to write out a description about your company, imagine that you are trying to explain it to your parents or grandparents. Don’t focus on industry-specific terms that the average person wouldn’t use. You want to choose simple terms that you imagine a potential customer would use when searching for your company.
Determine what sets your company apart from competitors.
Find what makes you unique in the industry. Are you a customer service guru? Do your prices make your competitors swoon? When you know what separates you from the other guys, it is easy to come up with descriptive keywords. Think: helpful, friendly, low cost, affordable, etc.
Identify any words that have multiple meanings.
There are many words out there that have more than one meaning and products are no exception. For example, “tablet” is a product that can fall into a wide range of categories. There are bath tablets, vitamin tablets, writing tablets, and now an emerging market for tablet computers. Know whether or not the product you sell could be mistaken for something else when a customer searches for it so that you can clear away any confusion.
Keep focus on your big sellers.
You may sell a wide range of products on your website, but that doesn’t mean you need to hit every possible keyword on search engines. Focus your efforts on optimizing your web pages for your most popular items. You will benefit more by spending your time on keywords that relate to your most profitable items.
Make a list of your top ten keywords.
Write down what you believe to be your ten most important keywords for your business. When you have your list, give those keywords a long, hard look. Do those keywords all center around a single product? Do you touch on all of the products you sell and services you provide? Your first instincts when it comes to keywords are not always correct. Give each keyword a second look and decide why each one made it on your list.
In order to optimize your website for search engines, you want to have targeted keywords that will draw a targeted audience. Avoid using keywords that have multiple meanings or single-word keywords. When you focus your keywords to be specific to your business, you will reach out to more potential customers who want the product or service you provide.