Women's March on Washington

Originally published on Facebook, January 21, 2017 

Hope. Today filled me with HOPE. Surrounded by amazing people filled with love, kindness, and fierce determination, I marched in Washington D.C. I marched with my oldest kid and her grandmother. We were three generations of peaceful resistance, three generations of voices raised for those who face discrimination.
I watched my daughter take it all in. I watched her exude strength and pride as she held her sign that read "When they go low, we go high", as high up in the air as she could. She was the picture of "though she be but little, she is fierce". I was moved by the kindness and love from so many we marched with who went out of their way to tell her they loved her shirt that read "Protect Me" with a trans flag, that thanked her for being there, who were moved to their own tears by her authenticity and courage, who told her "you are why we march". I was brought to tears watching her joy and relief as she internalized that message of love and solidarity while reading signs, listening, and learning more about all the other reasons we march, for all the children who deserve better.
Hope. The challenges ahead remain, but I'm rooted in and renewed by this community's strength and spirit. Tomorrow, the real work begins. Letters and meetings with legislators. Community organizing and education. Listening to the stories and needs of our neighbors and beyond. And continuing to tell our story. We're ready. #bringit2017 #womensmarch #transkids#ourchildrenarewatching
