
Originally published on August 25, 2016.

Camp. This week has been a really hard week for our family at camp. I'm on week two of being really sick, and when mom is sick, everything is harder. My kids are all sorts of tired. One came out of a summer of theater into a week of sleepaway camp into this week of family camp. Another is struggling with some health issues that have been challenging them and our family all summer long and we're inching towards answers. And one is a toddler, full of toddler-ness in all its glory and its terror. This is our "hard" right now, and it hasn't been pretty.

But camp, camp is still camp. Camp is grace and rest and community. Camp is renewal and growth. Camp is a toddler sitting in the dirt putting acorn hats on rocks, wandering, exploring, and learning. Camp is chaotic worship and holy chaos. Camp is a 7 year old watching the whole camp play the all camp game he created and planned. Camp is a 9 year old leading worship with her friends, praying the prayer she wrote. Camp is seeing and being seen. Camp is another parent proudly telling you that your kid allowed them to help them de-escalate in a tough situation. Camp is relationships. And this week camp has been taking a lot of naps and a lot of medicine for me. Camp meets you where you are. Camp is laughter, exhaustion, dirt, and lots of coffee. Camp is your kid making a camp site in the woods, a nice spot to sit and rest, not forgetting the vase of flowers. Camp is beauty. There are new friends and old friends, new skills and favorite games.

Camp is my kid looking up at me as we walk back to our cabin saying "mom, it just feels like home here." You're right, kiddo. It is home.

#thisiscamp #freerangekids #loveandgrace#wecandohardthings
