This evening, NBC Nightly News aired a segment featuring my running life, my son, my students, and my running besties. This is so exciting and unbelievable.

Here's the story that they posted the night before it aired. There have been over one million views of the video. OH MY GOD!!!!

I'll post the actual broadcast piece as soon as I can!

Basically since early February, my life has been turned upside down in a GREAT WAY.

First it started out with a piece in the Wall Street Journal titled "Weight Loss or Not, Exercise Yields Benefits" by Rachel Bachman. 

Then, John Brant of Runner's World picked up the story and did a TWELVE-PAGE  FEATURE on my running life. Now, it's even available in a legit, non-plagiarized Spanish version! I even made the news in HONG KONG

After RW things picked up very quickly!

How cool is it to be THAT GIRL on the trail in the middle of the woods Upstate, NY?
How cool is it to be the object of "OMG NO WAY I THOUGHT THAT WAS YOU HOLY CRAP!"?

It's pretty cool guys!

But it doesn't end there.

I have also been invited to participate in some running podcasts, radio shows. There are some more in the works, but here are the ones that have been posted:

Connect Run Club--This was the first podcast I recorded. These guys are funny, probing, and honest. I loved chatting and laughing with them!

And then I got to chat with Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell, authors of the popular running books Run Like a Mother, Train Like a Mother, and Tales from Another Mother Runner and hosts of the Another Mother Runner Podcast Series. We talked about plus sized runners actually existing and being. Granted, I think I talked too much, but it was super fun! 

Here is that podcast!

In August, HuffPo Live came calling and I had an incredible opportunity to chat with Alyona Minkowski, Jessie Sebor, EIC of Women's Running Magazine, and Erica Jean Schenk, Model Featured on the cover of WRM, and fitness expert Joe Holder:

There a few more podcasts in the works and some REALLY cool projects I'm working on so stay tuned!

Wow! I'm so tickled and honored to have so many running friends and supporters. I am super stoked to have had the opportunity to participate in the running community and be noticed for it. That is a huge honor and I hope to be able to continue SPREADING THE RUNNING AND BODY LOVE! There is enough for everyone.

Happy fit life!
