My Fitness Bucket List

A few friends and I are planning a fairly epic adventure in a couple of years. In fact, it's so epic that we have to save and raise tons of money, acquire gear and necessities (which are not cheap), and perform a huge amount of research before we even think about purchasing plane tickets. Luckily, we are all marathoners and ultramarathoners so even though the physical challenge of this journey doesn't seem too overwhelming, it IS overwhelming. We are so excited!

This started me thinking about all of the physically challenging things I'd like to do before I am unable to, whether it is death (which is certain) or some other unfortunate circumstance that prevents me.

What's on your FITNESS BUCKET LIST? Here's what's on mine (I've posted the links to these fabulous events so you can check them out and maybe do some of them yourself):
  • A multi-day hike/backpacking trip with Greg Aiello, the guy who narrated the Live Well Network's Motion series  exploring natures bounty, sometimes with people and other times alone. The show was recently cancelled, as was the fledgling ABC lifestyle network.  But I still have a dream to participate in a trip led by Mr. Aiello as my um, personal guide. From the very first sho, I was instantly hooked by the awesome photography, expansive views atop various peaks and more claustrophobic ones deep reddish-orange in canyons.
  • R2R2R-->Rim to Rim to Rim at the Grand Canyon, hiking or fast-packing. Even though there are signs posted at various points saying you will probably die. 
  • The Paris and Berlin Marathons and a host of of other European marathons in major cities, but I hear these two in particular are fab. 
  • NYC Marathon: Please, universe. Please. And just this once I'd like to do a 5:30 marathon. Just this once. I would like to run in my hometown, maybe next year.
  • A 100 Miler such as THIS one, I think I'd be satisfied with doing just one. Did I just put this out there? For the uninitiated, a 100 miler is exactly what it says, but on foot and likely running through the night for long periods alone. 
  • Finishing the TGNY 100K. Like actually finishing. I've attempted this twice: once just using the course markers after the actual racer, I'll achieve many more miles.
  • Finishing the TGNY 100K. Like actually finishing. I've attempted this twice: once just using the course markers after the actual race began, and the second time finishing 27.5 miles of the course before I was done. Maybe this year, I'll achieve many more miles.
  • Scuba diving. Anywhere.
  • Sky-diving
  • Getting above half of a rock-climbing wall. This would be a huge accomplishment!
  • A 24-hour race, like this one
  • Hiking lots of the AT and the PCT in sections. I've been intrigued by the Appalachian Trail since forever, and even thought I did NOT particularly fall in love with Cheryl Strayed, I loved the retelling of her journey on the Pacific Crest Trail
  • Go on a short solo backpacking trip. This is probably the MOST scary and what I'll need the most hand-holding for
  • Fat-Dog 50 Miler in BC, Canada. This looks so amazing. Every time I see an ad for it in Trail Runner Mag, I feel the urge to hop on a flight RIGHT THIS INSTANT to Canada
  • PARKOUR-Basically what we used to do off of the monkey-bars in city parks and in pre-hipster Brooklyn racing down our long blocks doing what we called "fence races"--in a glorified manner.
  • Backpack around the base of Everest and then up to base camp.
  • Run around the island of Roat?n in the Bay Islands of Honduras to salute my ancestors (and current family, too)
  • The Laugavegur Ultramarathon in Iceland, and then go sit in the Blue Lagoon for hours afterwards. How cool would it sound to say, "Yeah dude, I just ran the Laudate Dominum Marathon in Iceland?" How COOL?
  • Maui Marathon or anything on Hawaii? Volcanic marathon? Yes. Beach marathon? Yes.
This is just the beginning. 
