"In High School I showed up to try outs in a pair of Nike Cortez"
Set audacious goals. Goals that stretch you. Goals that move you out of your comfort zone. Goals that keep you up late some nights with the cricket choir. Goals that wake you before the alarm sounds and the sun rises.
Sure it's a challenge a daily grind, but "The Hunt" is worth it. That's what I tell myself when I look at my inability to nail my MP for a prescribed distance.
There are moments when doubt wants to lace up a pair of kicks and run with me. I've learned how to kill the noise by drawing inspiration from past victories, FB, Instagram or Twitter post. Then there are times when I simply have to encourage myself.
For me running is about personal challenge discipline drive determination motivation and the awe-inspiring feeling of finishing a race and receiving the bling.
I was like most kids growing up in Bed Stuy Brooklyn. I had hoop dreams. In High School I showed up to try outs in a pair of Nike Cortez-bad choice for a gym floor. I found myself sliding all over the court. Shortly after tryouts I realized it was a pipe dream. I think I was a freshman at the time in BGHS home of the Kangaroos and Dwayne "The Pearl" Washington..
Although it was mid 80's and Biggie didn't utter the words "Either you're slingin crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot" yet; for some those were the only options.
Growing up I was a loner by choice at times. It was nothing for me to walk from Bed Stuy Brooklyn to Mid town Manhattan. The thought never crossed my mind to run though. I found the long distances an intriguing organic journey watching the neighborhoods morph with the passing of each city block.
And now I'm preparing for weeks at a clip to run 26.2miles, in the hunt for a BQ.
What moves you? What consumes most of your thoughts throughout the day? For me it's "The Hunt" for a BQ. Thanks for following along with me, I appreciate you.