The quest for perfect shoe fit color scheme can lead you scour through mountains of clearance boxes in brick and mortar establishments looking for your favorite shoe that is now extinct or you may prefer to ride the wave on mobile phone to preserve a piece of herstory.
I'm oh too familiar with the hunt and the cool thing about it is there's no need to get decked out in full camouflage gear to score-that is of course, unless that's how you roll.
I did some "sole searching" for the blog, but I wasn't looking for a new pair of sneaks. "Surprised ain'tcha" 50 post deep into "Runr4Lyfe" I wanted to step back to see where how far I've traveled and try and figure out where I'd like to go, the trail has been organic til this point. And as I prepare for #RNRPhilly this weekend this would be the perfect time to reflect.
"Feedback is the Breakfast if Champions" is a a quote often attributed to Ken Blanchard who's a best selling author speaker and management expert and I'm a firm believe and practitioner of his philosophy. Hungry for a meal I went to Facebook for feedback and you gals/guys filled my belly.
Unlike these supposed two slices that I had for lunch, after careful examination it was determined by panel of NY Pizza experts-(Tiffane, Jowel, Jovita, Sarah, Vincent, Rasheema and Yusef) that this was one slice cut in half.
Thank you Annette, Jowel, Colette, Yvonne, Derrick, and Var for leaving comments I sincerely appreciate you stepping on the breaks during your hectic schedules to make a pit stop on my post to share suggestions tips likes etc. good meal no integestion.
The support and generosity of spirit by way of "link love" and counsel from seasoned bloggers like Peter @, Sam @samwinebaum, Steve and Bill @ Billblunderbuss is humbling and amazing-"You Guys Awesome Freaking Trail Blazers"!!
Runners represent a diverse group of people that cover the full spectrum from the elite to that person starting a C25k there's a runner in each of us and what I've discovered is if nothing else runners are supportive, yes we are!
Shout out to Running Shoe Geeks, National Black Marathoners Association Black Men Run, 20/20 Club Instagram, Twitter and FaceBook Followers your comments help provide fuel for the journey. I can't forget my Google+ peeps thanks for traveling these first 50 post with me and if you're enjoying the ride please like and share the love.