Wouldn't life be grand if everything worked out according to our plans? 8mi was scheduled with 6mi at MP. Hmmm about that, it seemed as the though my tank was empty.
Yes, I fueled up prior to hitting the blacktop. Granted it wasn't my normal routine, I had to revisit to Quinniapiac Trail to take better pics to replace the fuzzies that I posted as place holders yesterday.
After walking the trail and updating the blog it was time for another meal. Not really, it was more of a snack. A protein shake and cliff bar. While waiting for my food to digest, I got a foot massage.
That was my first indication that this wasn't going to be a stellar performance; the second one came when I snapped my shades in half while cleaning them.
I forgot about my back up Guinness Stout shaded until now. "Shout Out to Guinness"
Wanting to give my other kicks some love and time on the road I switched to my Adios Boost V2.
The first 2 miles were mild, I felt a little discomfort in my right ankle. At this stage it was time to pick up the pace.
My mind knew it was time to crank, but my ankle didn't cooperate. So I had to switch gears mentally and down shift into form mode.
I realized I wouldn't hit my pace but I could reach my target cadence of 180bpm.
Metro Timer is an awesome IPhone App
which you can use if you need help "increasing your cadence game". I used a mix that I created a while back at a 180 BPM.
Nailing my cadence target was the "Silver Lining" in today's run. How do you adjust when your best dressed plans get a wrinkle in them? Leave a comment and let me know.