Have you ever tried quitting coffee or skipped a day and ended up with a headache?
I felt that way yesterday when I didn't run. I was feigning for some miles, but I stuck to the training script.
For those that have been following my BQ journey from day one thank you I appreciate your support and those who are new welcome thanks for joining.
At least 3 days out of the week I incorporate strength training into my marathon training plan. A few weeks back I came across a book in BN entitled "Quick Strength For Runners"; I'm on currently on week 3 of the 8 week program. I introduced Quick Strength in Silver Lining Playbook 9mi Run
Each week builds on the previous weeks work.
It's a quick 30min work out that can be done at home or gym.
The fire hydrants kicked my butt when first started this week windshield wipers cleaned my clock.
I got through the work out with grunts and smiles. I'm looking forward to my weekly 5mi challenge on "Fast Tuesdays" it gives me an opportunity to gauge my performance.
It's official I registered for RNR Philly as a tune up for Hartford. I'm getting ready to...
After Hartford I'll be heading to DC for MCM. I was able to score a BIB through the transfer process.
What runs are on you calendar? Let me know share your results and training tips I'd love to hear from you.