Jamie, mom of 2, dropped out of marathon training last year due to injuries but not before finishing her first 20 mile run. Spent 6 months hanging with her physical therapist leaving her husband wondering about this Dr. Gary. Hey, it didn�t hurt that he was easy on the eyes as she suffered through Graston. Currently training for her 6th half.
Jennifer, juggling life as a single mom with her job as Clinical Director of a facility for adults with developmental disabilities. Swore up and down her sister was crazy for this running thing, until she drank the kool-aid. Started logging the miles, finished her first half marathon with her sister by her side in November and is training for her second.
Top 10 Reasons We Should Be on the Another Mother Runner Ragnar Team
10. We�re sisters. The only thing better than BRFs (Best Running Friends) are Best Running Sisters. We�ve spent hours squished in a small car on family road trips, making it out alive and still liking each other - a fitting skill for Ragnar.
9. We are moms to the cutest �future runners.� We might be a little biased, but they inspire us to be the best moms, runners, and women! We asked Ben (middle) why we should get picked. He said, �Because you�re a great mom. Or you�re a great runner. Actually, you�re both!� Aw, sweet. Then he added, �But mom, I can run faster than you, so maybe they should pick me instead.� Thanks, kid.
8. When our kids are not inspiring us to be better people, they are inspiring us�. to go on really, really long runs. My son was the kid who licked his brother during the Christmas program. Really. 197 miles sounds like a vacation!
7. We can do hard things. Whether it�s discovering our fitness, quitting smoking, or climbing an ice-covered mountain. We know Ragnar won�t be easy, but we are ready for the challenge!
6. We don�t take ourselves too seriously. Hey Elvis. Running (and motherhood) can be hard, but we make sure to laugh a lot and keep the whining to a minimum.
5. We know how important it is to support our fellow mother runners, in person and far away! Here�s our �Training Survival Kit�. It includes some of our favorite running goodies, a get-it-done playlist, a note of love and encouragement, and of course the wisdom of Another Mother Runner!
4. We�ve learned from the best how to cheer on runners, and we are ready to cheer for our teammates with the same enthusiasm, even if we can�t quite replicate their cuteness.
3. We are always ready to celebrate a job well done.
2. We had so much fun meeting and laughing with Sarah and Dimity at the Mother Runner party in Montclair, NJ. At first we thought this picture that showed up on Facebook was pretty awful. Then we thought about some of Jamie�s recent race pictures�yea, she�ll work on that.
And the number 1 reason�
Of all the running shirts we�ve collected, we wear this one with the most pride. We are stronger than we thought. Through marriages, babies, post-partum depression, a child�s birth injury, a divorce, health struggles, depression-that-can-no-longer-be-called-postpartum, and running injuries, running has and continues to show us our strength.
From taking that first run with the Couch to 5k app talking in our ear to joyously crossing that first half marathon finish line, we discovered a strength, a spirit, and a joy in ourselves that had been lost somewhere in the hard work of motherhood.