Wine & Dine Weeks 9 & 10 Training�Yet Another Disaster


It�s a double week recap because I spent most of this week seriously ill, barely getting out bed for a couple of days,

Week 9

Monday � ?

Tuesday � ?

Wednesday � 5 miles + physical therapy

Thursday � ?

Friday � 1 mile (cut run short with some tummy troubles)

Saturday � 10 miles.

Sunday � SICK

Week 10

Monday � SICK

Tuesday � SICK

Wednesday � SICK

Thursday � SICK, finally went to doctor�s and started antibiotics (which I never do)

Friday � slightly less sick

Saturday � 45 minutes home PT exercises and core work

Sunday � 3.25 miles

So yea things aren�t looking good. Week 10 was supposed to be my last week before tapering, and I was looking forward to kicking butt! My body had other plans. An upper respiratory infection knocked me on my �. well ya know. This training cycle has been one disaster after another. Seriously.

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That is my weekly mileage totals for the first 9 weeks of this training cycle. Add a 3 at the end of you have the first 10 weeks. Whaaaat? Ouch. Frighteningly enough, I still have a chance of hitting the # of miles I ran before my first ever half marathon. Geesh, no matter that race hurt so much!  The good news is I�ve done more strength and cross training than I did before that race, and I weigh almost 10lbs less. At least I�ve got that on my side.

It is what it is. I can�t push the next two weeks because I�m recovering from illness and in the longer term injury. Plus, my body needs to be able to survive the Philly half marathon the week after Wine & Dine. Oh yea and there is this little hurricane coming through that�s going to throw life upside down!

I�ll nurse myself back to health and focus on my costume� now, to learn how to sew, hmmmm�

