Today, I�m guest posting at The Orange Rhino about my decision to change, just like that, and stop using yelling as a means of communication. It�s been great at times, but really tough at others� especially moments like this�.
In those moments, when the kids� volume is set on super-high-let�s-damage-mom�s-hearing and the dishes, clutter, and laundry are threatening to EAT me, my body goes into survival mode. Make. it. stop. MAKE IT STOP. Make it all stop. I can�t think of anything else besides a fierce, intense, primal need to make the world go black. I need quiet, darkness, and calm. I need a sensory deprivation chamber. And yet it�s not there, and I can�t run to find it. Fight or flight. Flight�s not an option and so I fight.
Come on over to The Orange Rhino, read the rest of my post, and join the conversation. Plus, don�t forget to take a look around the site and read some of the other posts for inspiration or a laugh � it�s a little bit of everything!
And if you�ve wandered over here from The Orange Rhino, welcome!!
I�m working on some site updates, including an About Me section, but otherwise feel free to take a look around. There�s a little bit of everything, but for the most part the headers at the top of the page or tag cloud on the right should help you find something that might interest you!