It�s hard to believe we�re going into the end of August! Where did the summer go?
For me the summer started out fabulously in all the way that summers do with the added bonus of me running! I earned a new 5k PR and ran up a mountain. But after two months of scattered running, my body decided no more.
I am still going to Physical Therapy twice a week. I can�t believe I�ve been doing this for FOUR months! I�m not really going into the details of my messed up body because it make no sense. I continue to stump the PTs. I had plantar fasciitis bad in the right foot. My left knee flipped. Those began to get better, and bam my left foot flared up with some serious plantar fasciitis! It�s totally lame, and we have addressed everything from diet and supplements to Lyme Disease along with all the standard stuff. I actually have a list of additional blood tests they want me to talk to my doctor about.
At the same time, it seems to be moving it�s way towards under control. The danger with that is that things seem to flare up without rhyme or reason so I have little warning, but I�m going to keep on trucking. I�m cautiously optimistic at the moment, but try me again in an hour.
Well, I�m going to try to hold onto that optimism because tomorrow marks the first day of training for the Walt Disney World Wine & Dine Half Marathon! This is a giant leap of faith, but I am thrilled to be taking this on with a friend who is doing her first ever half marathon. I am so pumped for her to accomplish this despite her own training obstacles. Of course, I�ll be continuing physical therapy and listening very carefully to my body. I am 12 weeks out, and I�ll be starting with some very low mileage this week combined with spin classes at my new gym (SO thrilled to have that as a resource for this training cycle!) along with yoga and strength training.
We�re just going to have to see how it goes. It�s odd to be starting a training cycle like this, but at the same time I feel like I need to go for it. I haven�t ran consistently in 6 months � WOW - and yet, I am still as invested and in love with running as ever. I�m really surprised by that. While it has made this all the more frustrating, it has really made me appreciate the miles I do get to log.
Tonight, I foam rolled, stretched, ultrasound-ed (is that a word?), and used my fun little stim therapy unit. That�s a whole different post coming up � as a result of EVERYTHING I have tried to get my body working I have quite the at home physical therapy stash going. I�ll do a post giving you a tour through all my toys and gadgets soon! But in the end, I am as ready as I�m going to be for tomorrow� a measly 2 miles is on the schedule so let�s hope it goes well.
And, of course, I�ll be working on a fun Disney costume for the occasion featuring a Team Sparkle skirt as always!
You can expect a few more running posts around the blog in the next few months, but I also have some life, parenting, and other stuff rolling around in my brain that I hope to get out sometime soon.
What�s up with you??? Any good costume ideas for me?