I'm Going to Disneyland!

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go... who can resist a little John Denver?

We'll be leaving for the airport at 4am. I'll be heading to Anaheim, CA by way of Denver. Once I land, it'll be a busy 45 hours in sunny California. My first ever race expo, my first time to Disneyland (been to the area but never in the Disneyland parks), my first time racing with wings, and my third half marathon!

I am so thankful for this trip to get to go run such a fun inaugural race with such an awesome person. I am grateful to all the people who supported me in taking this crazy trip with your words, actions, and/or gifts! I am excited about opportunities to pay it forward.

A few quick goals for this race. With my injury recovery and my marathon training, this is not a race I've focused on or trained for much. At the same time, this will be my first half marathon where I've ran farther than the distance before! Since my last half marathon in October, I've ran 14, 16, and 18 miles! Nonetheless, I am not expecting to PR. If the stars align and my wings help me fly, I won't turn it down. But instead I'm focusing on having a great time.

Have fun and enjoy Disney!
Cheer Stacie on to a great race!

I toyed with putting times down, but I honestly don't have time goals. I guess I hope to be faster than my first half (because that would be a pretty comfortable long run pace) but maybe not as fast as my second? Who knows! I'm just going to feel it out.
