Links I Love

We leave for a week of vacation in the Outerbanks on Friday so we are very busy getting ready for that, while at the same time sending the kids off to their first day of school tomorrow (which was supposed to be Thursday but was postponed due to flash flooding and more flooding in the school). It's all a little crazy. I have a few posts begging to be written, but in the meantime, here's some reading I've enjoyed and wanted to share with you!

5 Tips to Ramp Up Your Long Runs and 7 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Long Runs @ were great quick reads as I'm gearing up for next half marathon and getting in my last long training runs. 13 miles coming up this weekend and then it's taper time!

Motherhood As Vocation was an interesting read to me as I wonder about my vocation, call to ministry, and goals as a person and mother.

A great how to for making homemade vanilla extract from Kitchen Stewardship. We just got our beans, and I am very excited to begin the process.

Motherhood Brings Me Down @ really captures the way I feel motherhood grounds me.

That's all for now... now I'm off to catch up on my google reader that has almost 200 unread posts waiting for me! Eep!
