Links I Love

Here's some great stuff to check out. Tomorrow I'll be back with a PLANKS post!

Kinds of Blue is a series of a short original comics dealing with depression.  They are snapshots into different elements of living with depression or living with someone with depression. Different ones will resonate with different people but I particularly liked Feeling and A Friend in Need.

Hikerrev tells us what we need in church and I thought it was beautifully articulated.  Beautiful.  It's more than all are welcome. All are needed.

Jen, a priorfatgirl's video journey with Polar is just awesome. It's really about what a real life healthiness journey is about. It's an every day kind of thing. It's a lifelong kind of thing. And it's a life changing kind of thing.

Kelly tweeted a link to this great article from Yoga Journal about Yoga for Runners.  Yoga has so much to offer, especially for runners.  I am enjoying exploring it more.

Keeper of the Home offers Encouragement for Mothers of Strong-Willed Children. You're not alone!

A great reminder in Living With Your Photos.  I need to do some work to get some more pictures up in our home. It makes me happy, inspired, and encouraged to see them.

I know this may be very unpopular, but I think this is worth consideration. Amy @ Just West of Crunchy shares why Susan G. Komen for the Cure Isn't Curing Anything.
