One Small Change - May 2011

First, a confession.  I failed on my April One Small Change.  I did not hang 5 loads of laundry to dry. It was rainy. We were busy. I have all sorts of excuses, but it doesn't matter. I will carry that commitment forward into May, a month that has already inspired me with her sunshine-filled days. But I'll also add a new change for May.

Starting today, my family is embarking on a four-week long No-Eating-Out Challenge. For some this may seem easy, for some it may seem impossible. For us, our habits change so much with the seasons of our life. Some seasons are spent in the kitchen making nourishing, local high quality food where other seasons seem to get away from us and we fall back into old habits of being unprepared, calling for take-out, or picking something up at the store. Granted, over the past few years, our choices for take-out and eating-out have changed significantly. We are much more selective, and we notice the physical effects of our less than stellar choices very quickly. So, after four days of desperately needing to go grocery shopping but having life with all of its excitement and commitments just get in the way, we are ready to force ourselves to get back to our good habits so that we will not only feel better but also not be breaking our food budget.

What does this have to do with reducing our carbon footprint? Eating at home reduces the mileage we drive in a week, reduces the packaging used in the preparation of our food, and allows us to focus on using quality, local organic ingredients that support local farmers. Furthermore, by not wasting money on less quality convenience food, we can focus our budget not only on quality food but also other investments that enable us to reduce our carbon footprint and the number of chemicals that we come into contact with.  Those investments can be simple things like buying good stainless steel water bottles instead of cheap plastic ones even though the initial cost is more.

So my husband's at the grocery store, and we are ready!  Anyone want to join us?  If not, what small change are you ready to make this month?
