Links I Love

The past few weeks were crazy busy with preparations for my Holistic Moms Network chapter's annual open house.  It was this past Saturday.  It was a really fun event with about thirty exhibitors and almost a hundred people coming through the front door! In the meantime, my bookmarked blog posts and links I wanted to read, share, or comment on piled up with no time to get to them.  So here's a little link love to things I've been meaning to share.

Natural Antibiotic Alternatives @ Modern Alternative Mama
What, you mean you hippy natural folk don't just sit around and hope not to die without modern medicine when sick? Nope, we don't. There are lots of alternatives to pharmaceuticals for sick care. We do a lot of things to promote wellness, and there are remedies we have that help with symptoms while supporting our body in healing itself. But sometimes, there are those times your body needs a little extra help. This post spells out some great options.  Oregano oil and grapefruit seed extract are two of our favorites that we can go to in an emergency, like last month when I got the sickest I've been in years.

Reasons I Hate Weight Watchers @  Jogger's Life
Gasp, I can't believe I'm saying it. I lost more than forty pounds with Weight Watchers before getting married. It helped me regain a sense of control and a level of health I had lost through college. It really really helped me. I went back to it a couple times after being married and having my first child.  I just couldn't wrap my head around it because each question I had was met with a processed food solution.  That's not how we choose to live. I support others in their journey toward health and don't believe there is one right path, but I think Weight Watchers creates a lot of bad habits and dependency on fake food instead of giving tools for real health.

Myths about Non-Vaccinating Parents @ Modern Alternative Mama
Another one from MAM. I really enjoy her posts, and this hit home as I deal with some many of these assumptions and accompanying judgments daily.

Finding a Local Farmer @ Keeper of the Home
It's a great time to locate a farmer nearby!  We participate in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), and we can't wait to start picking up shares. We also love the nearby farmer's markets, especially for goods like eggs, meat, honey, and maple syrup that are not included in our particular CSA, not to mention artisan breads and cheese. We love knowing where our food comes from and supporting the local community. This in addition to growing from our garden will provide produce for the growing season but also extra to preserve for the winter!

Creating a Handmade Home @ Simple Mom
This post puts it so simply. I'm not the most crafty person so I seek out people who make things so that I can buy directly from them.  I also love etsy. I am also learning to create more on my own.
