Update and some Link Love!

Hey readers,

I am slowly crawling out from the rock I've been hiding under while I've been the sickest I've been in years!  I am finally on the road to recovery, and I am going to try to find some balance while trying to catch up on all the things that have kept on moving along while I've been out of commission.

I am busy picking out and ordering seeds for our garden!  I am knee-deep in planning a bangin' Holistic Moms Network Open House with my fabulous co-leaders.  I am pulling out some oomph to try to finish out my Personalize! e-course with the lovely Dawn Trautman (which I can't wait to tell you more about and reveal my personal statement that is in the making!).  At the same, I am nursing myself back to health with the help of fabulous chiropractic care, essential oils, herbs and nutritional supplements. Finally, I am gearing up for Lent, my favorite season of the church year.  This year for Lent, I have chosen to go vegan as part of my spiritual discipline (which is interestingly traditional for some parts of the church).  I want to post some of my thoughts on Lent and my intentions for it this year, so I will hopefully get to that by Wednesday!  To support me in my Lenten discipline, I am taking an e-course, 30 Day Vegan: a cleansing whole food workshop. I am super excited about this.  Heather is amazing, and I have already fallen in love with her regular blog so you should check that out too!

Phew!  Wow, I have a lot on my plate, but what else is new.  I am working to find balance and peace in my busy schedule by simplifying what can be simplified and embracing the chaos that can be enjoyed!

And now, I can't help but share some weekend reading for you with some Links I Love:

Do You Know What Sucks? PPD Sucks @ Parenting Off the Mat
PPD does suck.  So does depression in general.  This hit home for me, and I look forward to sharing with you more about the ways I am battling my own tendencies toward depression.  Yoga is an amazing tool, and I love the way this writer gets real.

I Stress, Therefore I am: 10 Ways to De-Stress & Enjoy Rest @ (in)courage
Stress is often the one word I would use to desribe myself and my life, and I am working really hard to change that!  These are some great tools in a way that doesn't sound like every. single. thing. I've heard before.  And it's not about taking everything out of life, because the enjoyment, excitement, and passion leaves then too!

Do Vaccines Cause Autism? @ Modern Alternative Mama
This really breaks down the controversy explaining some important facts about the Wakefield situation while being honest about the fact that we simply don't have answers despite what anyone on either side of the argument wants you to believe!  I also love her breakdown of myths about unvaccinated kids!

Taking a Stand Against TV @ Kveller by Mayim Bialik
Screen time is something we struggle with a lot.  I really love the way Mayim talks about it as it reinforces for me the reasons that while we struggle with it, minimizing media influences and screen time for our children is so important and worth struggling for!
