Links I Love

I Have a List @ (in)courage
I love this.  I want a work space like this.  Hmmm.. off to find a closet. Yea, I know the list is much more important.  And I could just frame that.  But the entire space is so inspiring.  In reality, I imagine it starts with the list and the rest will follow.

Not Enough Words for "Friend"  @ Mothering
After a fabulous day with college friends, a party with my some of my kid's school and playground friends, and a night out with my holistic moms friends all in one week this rings particularly true for me.

How to Avoid Chemicals in Flame Retardant Pajamas @ Green Your Way
My kids love footie pajamas, but I do not love knowing they are sleeping wrapped in chemicals.  I love these easy tips on how to clean up those pajamas as well as information as to why you would even want to bother!
