Links I Love

Check it out.  Exactly one week after my last Links I Love post.  Don't get used to this kind of consistency.  That'd be boring.  But anyway, here are some Links I Love!

Parenting Through the Perfect Storm by Kelly Naturally
This is my life every day.  Great tools and lots of forgiveness for you in this post.
"...Forgive myself.  When I realize that I may have acted in a way that�s less than ideal, but have apologized and thought about ways to do it differently next time, I also realize that the simple act of awareness is a big step towards making a change. I forgive myself the lapse of peaceful parenting prowess, realize my children have forgiven me, and I forgive myself. And then�I move on to what I can do to better handle future perfect storms."

The Yellow Bow by Late Enough 
This made me cry.  I struggle with gender stereotypes, identity, and creativity a lot.
"I clipped to my bag so I, too, would remember to be myself.  To be the best Alex I can be.
And sometimes I wear bows. And sometimes I wear baseball caps. And sometimes I cry for my little boy who can�t be everything he wants in this world.  I remind myself to add YET.
Because I believe that it won�t always be this way. Each generation, while perhaps not financially better off, is more open and tolerant than the last. And in the face of hatred, we learn every year to judge people less by what they wear or who they look like, and more by the person they are trying to be."

High Art: Raising a Child at
"Children enjoy their lives because they have not forgotten the natural rhythm they learned in the womb. It's the flow of life, the flow that makes you take a moment to explore, to give a hug, to notice the day. Being a mother is an art. You constantly improve your technique, brush up your skills, put passion into every stroke. I see other women devoting their time to becoming great artists, leaders, and poets. They have their art, and I have mine. And I wouldn't give it up for the world."

Outrage: When Parents Cross the Link by PhD in Parenting

"Where�s the line? The imaginary line. The line between �do what is best for your family� and �that is cruel, abusive, neglectful.� Where is it?  Do you have one in your head? That dividing line between �not my cup of tea� and �wrong, wrong, wrong�?"
