...but I have one more Christmas related post!
I showed you how we chose to display our Christmas cards this year. It turned out great, and it was wonderful to see the tree fill up with family and friends.
Here is a picture of Christmas card tree on Christmas day. It's missing a handful of cards that had arrived the day before and not yet made it up.
We kept our Christmas card tree up through the season of Christmas, and took it down on Epiphany along with the rest of our Christmas decorations. But what to do with all those cards?
I've heard some great ideas about what to do with Christmas cards you receive to both be eco-friendly as well as to preserve them as mementos whether it be filling a photo album with them or using them as gift tags or whatever else. To be honest, they all seemed like a little too much work for me. Until I read this post. I love Katie from Kitchen Stewardship and this is a guest post she did. Among her other ideas, Katie explains how her family gathers their cards and uses them to continue their time of prayer and reflection surrounding dinner that was started in Advent. Placing themi n a bowl, they pick cards each evening and they pray for those families along with their table grace.
This is what we've done. All the cards went in a bowl that went on the counter in the place where the Advent wreath had sat. Each night, our kids excitedly choose a card from the bowl. We read the card, look at the picture, and remember the sentiment getting to enjoy the card once more. We then say our mealtime prayer, including special blessings and gratitude for the family or person who sent us that card.
I like this idea, because first of all, there was little for me to do in preparation for it. I just needed a bowl. Check! Second, I like it because it continues the energy and tradition started in the Advent wreath. For the few days after Christmas where we were not doing this, the boys kept asking to do the Advent wreath and we all felt a bit of loss. This has added something to look forward to at dinner time and a focus to our prayer and short devotion. An added bonus for some of my readers - it doesn't have to be a God thing! This would be a great thing to do to remember and express gratitude for those people in your lives who have sent you Christmas cards carrying on the positive feelings of community created in the Christmas season even if you didn't choose to include prayer in that ritual.
If you sent us a Christmas card this season, know that we will be thinking of you and lifting you, especially, up in prayer on a night in the near future. And if you didn't send us a Christmas card, well next year you should, there's some extra prayers in it for you.
I showed you how we chose to display our Christmas cards this year. It turned out great, and it was wonderful to see the tree fill up with family and friends.
Here is a picture of Christmas card tree on Christmas day. It's missing a handful of cards that had arrived the day before and not yet made it up.
We kept our Christmas card tree up through the season of Christmas, and took it down on Epiphany along with the rest of our Christmas decorations. But what to do with all those cards?
I've heard some great ideas about what to do with Christmas cards you receive to both be eco-friendly as well as to preserve them as mementos whether it be filling a photo album with them or using them as gift tags or whatever else. To be honest, they all seemed like a little too much work for me. Until I read this post. I love Katie from Kitchen Stewardship and this is a guest post she did. Among her other ideas, Katie explains how her family gathers their cards and uses them to continue their time of prayer and reflection surrounding dinner that was started in Advent. Placing themi n a bowl, they pick cards each evening and they pray for those families along with their table grace.
This is what we've done. All the cards went in a bowl that went on the counter in the place where the Advent wreath had sat. Each night, our kids excitedly choose a card from the bowl. We read the card, look at the picture, and remember the sentiment getting to enjoy the card once more. We then say our mealtime prayer, including special blessings and gratitude for the family or person who sent us that card.
I like this idea, because first of all, there was little for me to do in preparation for it. I just needed a bowl. Check! Second, I like it because it continues the energy and tradition started in the Advent wreath. For the few days after Christmas where we were not doing this, the boys kept asking to do the Advent wreath and we all felt a bit of loss. This has added something to look forward to at dinner time and a focus to our prayer and short devotion. An added bonus for some of my readers - it doesn't have to be a God thing! This would be a great thing to do to remember and express gratitude for those people in your lives who have sent you Christmas cards carrying on the positive feelings of community created in the Christmas season even if you didn't choose to include prayer in that ritual.
If you sent us a Christmas card this season, know that we will be thinking of you and lifting you, especially, up in prayer on a night in the near future. And if you didn't send us a Christmas card, well next year you should, there's some extra prayers in it for you.