Essential Oils

Our family enjoys using alternative remedies for our family, both as a way to treat and prevent symptoms and optimize wellness.  We see a chiropractor.  We use homeopathic remedies as well as herbal supplements.  We avoid most pharmaceuticals reserving them for the times when they are seriously needed.  It is a growing process.  We are always learning more and adjusting habits.

 In September, I blogged about Holistic Moms Network and the 7 Ideals of Holistic Parenting. 
I mentioned in that blog that one of my goals was to learn more about essential oils, particularly through Young Living Oils. I am doing just that!  I have become a distributor for Young Living Oils and I am beginning to explore their many uses.  I had dabbled with some oils previously, but I was unaware of their potential as well as the importance of top quality, therapeutic grade oils like those made by Young Living.  These oils are so pure that you can use them on pregnant mothers and small infants.  They can even be taken internally to great benefit.  This is not true of other oils available.  Of course, you get what you pay for, so these quality oils are much more expensive that what you'll find elsewhere.  Like so many other things, I believe the versatility and benefits of these oils do justify the cost, but it does mean I'll be building my collection rather slowly.  It's also why I became a distributor to take advantage of the great discounts available.

To start off my learning, the wonderful holistic health coach who brought me into Young Living supplied me with a few resources (as well as endless opportunities to ask questions, thanks Amara!).  The first of these resources that I tackled was Gentle Babies: Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth, Infants, and Young Children by Debra Raybern (This is the best link I could find to it, although I'm sure you can buy it through Amara by contacting her through her website.)  It was a great little primer and will undoubtedly be a handy reference as I begin to explore using essential oils.

The first part of the book gives some background about Young Living oils, essential oils in general, and some basic information about how to use oils.  This information was really helpful to me.  It discusses when and how to dilute oils as well as the benefits or drawbacks of using oils 'neat' or undiluted.  It discusses the options for inhaling, diffusing, ingesting, using topically, or even making a ointment with the oils.  It is also talks very specifically about pregnant and nursing mothers and young children.  The second part of the book is entirely made up of symptoms and the remedies (mostly oils but occasionally other natural remedies) that can be used to treat them.  Finally, the last portion of the book is all testimonies.  Some of these were helpful to hear how different oils were utilized in different situations, though I'll admit it began to feel a little infocommerical-ly at times.

Overall, the book felt like a good basic start, particularly coming from already being invested in Young Living oils over and above other oils.  One last word of warning - some people may be put off by the Bible verses that start each section.  To  be honest, I found it distracting if anything, as I'm not a big fan of throwing Bible verses around without context, but I was able to overlook it.  

As for what oils, I'm using.  I've started with Thieves (which I had heard so much about as an immune booster and illness fighter), Purification (because it's an ingredient in a homemade bug spray recipe I am very excited about), Pan-Away (because I've got lots of sore muscles with my running), and the Stress Away Roll-on (which Amara described to me as 'mommy crack').

 My boys were battling yucky coughs and just general congestion that we were having a hard time getting rid of.  We used the Thieves on their feet, first just at bedtime, but then after talking to Amara, I found out I should do it as often as possible if they are fighting a bug.  Sure enough, after putting it on their multiple times a day, their symptoms noticeably decreased.

 At that point, we also added Purification to the chest to help with their coughs.  The boys really enjoy it.  I find the ritual of putting it on their feet is soothing to them, and when they are not feeling well, they ask for it.

 I've used the Pan-Away once, but my husband has a huge aversion to all thinks mint, especially spearmint.  As a result, he wouldn't go near me the rest of the day.  So I'm not sure what this means for me being able to utilize that oil, but I'm going to think more on that.

And finally, the Stress Away Roll-On I find relaxing.  When I am stressing, I dab on the inside of my wrists and back of my neck.  Again, it is a ritual that helps calm me, and a scent that grounds me in that ritual.  It's very pleasant, and I almost use it as perfume.

I will be exploring a lot more oils and information about oils, so I'll be sure to keep you posted.  If you have questions, feel free to ask me and I can find the answer for you even if I don't know it yet.  It's all a part of the journey.  And feel free to contact Amara Wellness directly for information.  Just tell her I sent you!  I'm really enjoying learning one more way to support my body in the healing process without impeding it and am excited to add one more tool to my natural wellness tool kit.

Disclaimer: I don't have an intent to make a living or really any money off of this.  I became a distributor because it was an economical way for me to get oils for myself and my family.  That being said, I would certainly encourage you to look into (whether through myself, Amara Wellness, or the Young Living website directly) that if these oils are something that interests you or you can purchase oils through me as well.
