A month of Thanksgiving

Too often the days, weeks, and even months fly by, especially around this time of year.  Before we know it, Halloween's gone, Thanksgiving's on it's way, and Christmas shortly behind it.  We get lost in a blur of busy-ness, to-do lists, and stress.  In an effort to stay grounded this month and prepare myself for a meaningful and gratitude filled Thanksgiving, I am using a Thanksgiving Journal.

I stumbled upon a link for this Thanksgiving Journal through Passionate Homemaking, a blog I frequent.  In a recent post she linked up to all sorts of holiday preparedness posts, and her own post on the Thanksgiving Journal was linked.

A 30-Day ThanksGIVING Journal is published by Graham Family Ministries. I am often wary of devotionals or materials like this as a result of my theological education and preferences, but I decided this was worth it.  It's a simple e-book.  It cost all of $1.95.  Each day it provides a Bible verse about thankfulness or gratitude.  (Yes, this is handpicking Bible verses out of context, but it might provoke further reading, and in this situation I am confident little harm will be done but being more thankful in my life!).  It provides space to say what you are thankful for and how you might give of yourself this day.  It concludes with a question to consider for the day. 

Our family will be using this journal each evening.  We did it tonight for the first time.  B's eyes lit up when we sat down to read and write.  Tonight, we each individually voiced our thanks for our immediate family members, and we talked of ways that we can give of ourselves tomorrow.  Starting tomorrow night, we will also be making a Chain of Thanks, by writing what we say we are thankful for each evening on a strip of construction paper, stapling it into a circle and attaching it to the others in a chain (similar to this).

I hope this time will provide our family with a focus of gratitude for the upcoming month, grounding us in what is important when the stress of the season threatens to take us away.
