I'm a runner.

Today, I ran my first 5k in more than 5 years!  I've never been a runner, but a few years back I took a running class and worked my way up to a 5k.  It was a huge challenge, but I enjoyed the challenge.  

Here is me finishing my first ever 5k in June of 2004!  

Yea, I look pretty awful.  I almost died.  Like, seriously.  My eyes glazed over, and my mom considered seeking medical help. I finished in 34 minutes, 44 seconds.  I ran the entire thing and that was my entire goal.  Here I am looking a little better as I recover...

After this, I ran a few more 5Ks over the course of about 9 months.  A few of them I didn't even run.  Training didn't happen, and I walked most of them.  I did successfully run two others.  My running times range from 32:41 to 34:44.

Well about 8 weeks back, I decided I was going to start running and chose a 5K!  I used a Couch to 5k app on my iPhone.  And my favorite part?  My hubby did it with me!!  We started out doing our runs together in the church parking lot next door while the kids ran around with us or played with playground balls.  Then as our runs got longer, we took the jogging strollers to a few walking paths.  Then as they got even longer, we started taking turns.  We vary our workouts, sometimes doing the road right in front of our house, other times taking the kids to a trail where one of us hikes with the kids while the other runs, or a playground with a track.  You get the idea.  I am so grateful to C for running with me.  It is not something he ever wanted to do, and he's doing it for me.  It has made all the difference in my motivation and support.

I've had some shin splint issues and some ankle issues leftover from a spring injury, but we've been doing okay.  I was reluctant about today's race, but I was adamant about just finishing it without dying. And I did!!!

Crossing the finish... at about 34:29... I'll fill in official race times when I get them.

Recovering in the chute waiting to hand in my tag.

I still don't look real pretty crossing the finish or like it's the easiest thing on earth or anything, but that's okay because it's not easy.  And that's what makes it awesome.  It's not easy.  Training hasn't been easy, and the race wasn't easy (although I did feel pretty good at the end, no where near like that first race where we wondered if I was going to make it), but I did it!

I'm getting stronger - physically, emotionally, and spiritually through running.  I am losing weight I need to and want to lose for my health, both physically and emotionally.  And this is just a beginning.  I plan to keep running, working to shave some time off my 5K and maybe even working towards a 10K.  I value the support I have in my husband who is not only telling me to get out there and do it because it's important to me, but sucking it up and doing it with me.  That's HUGE!  And he won't race, and that's okay, because I need someone to play with the kids, take pictures, and cheer me on while I race.

To top it all off, I am setting an example for my children.  I am teaching them that just because something is hard doesn't mean we don't do it.  I am teaching them that physical activity is a part of our everyday life.  I am teaching them that picking goals and going for them is not only important and healthy, but it's fun!!  And as a result, I have a three year old who raced his first race today (100M) and can't wait to do it again! 

Check out his pre-race stretching!

I'm a runner, and I'm not going to qualify that in any way. And it feels good.
