RYKA REFORM - Great Walking Shoe For Women with Bunions...

Part of the RipaRyka line which can be found at the FIISH LINE located at Paradise Valley Mall.

This is a great walking shoe for women who have painful bunions that hurt with pressure from shoes. It has a Rocker Bottom Sole which will limit motion and pressure across the forefoot/bunion area. The thing that makes this shoe perfect is that the forefoot area has a comfortable, soft mesh over the bunions area that will decrease pressure. Another key to wearing this shoe is that women with bunions do need to wear firm arch support whether it's from a Custom-Molded Insert or an Other-The-Counter Insert. One of the key causes of bunions (besides genetics!) is a collapsing or hypermobile arch. This shoe with a proper insert will help prevent the progression of the bunions deformity and it should be very comfortable.

Cost: $110

This shoe is also excellent for people with:
Degenerative Joint Disease
Hallux Limitus/ Rigidus (Limited Range Of Motion of the 1st Toe Joint)
Corns and Calluses
Heel Pain
Knee, Hip & Lower Back Pain (in most patients)
Chronic Pain Patients

This shoe may not be appropriate for patients with:
Balance Problems
Ankle Instability/Hypermobility
Achilles Tendonitis
Neuropathic Patients (Nerve Damage)
Elderly Patients

Have a Great Day!
