Recover Rankings in Google Search After New Algorithm Updates

Recover Rankings in Google Search After New Algorithm Updates

         Recover from Google Updates

Google Panda and Penguin Algorithm updates are not new to you and many of you have read Recovery techniques already. Instead of guiding you and talking like a Guru, I will write some tips which I used myself to recover search Rankings of my Blog.

No Search algorithm update eats your traffic in one shot. It is always one bite at a time. So, assuming this, I have prepared a list of actions you should carry out so that consecutive update doesn’t kill your traffic.

         1. Optimize Pages (Good ones)

80% of Total Traffic comes from 20% of Blog Posts.

I used to be happy in Pre-Panda days with analytics graph which was always rising high and never analyzed them. That was a mistake of mine and you should learn from it. Go through the analytics, check out top keywords and corresponding Bounce Rate, Exit Rate, etc.

You have to take utmost care of these 20% of articles on your Blog.

    Reply to each comment there and make sure the problem of each visitor is solved.
    Make changes- add, edit or delete content from it, if necessary.
    Add VALUE to that article so that any visitor landing is completely satisfied with it.

This step is necessary before taking any corrective measure. Reason is that you should not risk your existing traffic in the efforts of gaining back lost one.

         2. Work on Design of Blog

A Good Design isn’t just about Appearance but its Usability.

With Search preview introduction, Google takes care that the information content is in main focus on page except other elements.

Reader lands on your page to read and get information about what he was looking for. If you welcome him with pop-up to LIKE or Subscribe even before reading, that would irritate him. As a result, would reduce time/visit and increase Exit rate.

Also, reduce the number of Advertisements above the Fold of webpage.

         3. Use Alternate Traffic Sources

Youtube is the #2 Search engine on Internet.

Chances are high that your new articles too will not find instant ranking on Search pages. So, what’s the point in writing new articles if they are not ranking?

But, remember there are other sources of traffic other than Google. You can reach out crowd via Video Marketing.

Don’t forget the power of Social Media and Guest Posting to get referral traffic. By doing this, you are not only getting traffic but also building links naturally which sends a good signal to Google spiders. Here are 5 Types of articles which I used to write to get Traffic without Google after affecting by Panda.

         4. No More Black Hat

One cannot simply stay in Search Rankings for long using Black Hat.

This is still a debatable question whether Black Hat works even after deadly Google Search Algorithm Updates. But, I would recommend being Neutral and Natural when it comes to SEO (Completely White Hat).

If you mistakenly involved in any such things in past, like Link building through bad means, there’s a solution for that. Fortunately, Google has introduced a Disvow tool which can remove penalty by disavowing bad or unnatural links to your site.

         5. Socialize with Community

Your Blog’s echo should be heard on Social Web.

If no one is liking, sharing or talking about your content on Social Networks. It is definitely isn’t worth it or at least Google thinks so. So, get socialized, build community around you and share articles on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

I would recommend taking lessons from Nishant itself about socializing to get more traffic to blog.

I am not an SEO expert but an experienced Blogger who underwent through this situation. Tips mentioned above won’t work like Magic i.e. Instantly. You cannot recover the same way you lost- i.e. Cheating. It needs lot of Hard work and dedication to implement and recover rankings.
