Do you want to know how to add proper Meta tags to Blogger? what are dynamic meta tags to each different post in blogger? You have come to the right place. We share accurate Meta Tags for Your Blogspot blog.
You can avoid spam by writing the same meta descriptions every single posts. The best way to write compelling meta search descriptions for Individual Meta Tags For Each Post on Blogger.
Our survey found that 92% of custom free and premium templates do not have SEO friendly meta tags codes. 98% of bloggers change free templates provided by the Blogger platform, 2% use third-party paid themes directly from developers using Blogger. Since 98% of bloggers use free themes that give a nice look by customizing, they can't implement the right metatag.
You can boost your website's SEO ranking by using Different meta keywords and descriptions. It's important to use quality meta tags in order to rank your site high on search engines like Google. Additionally, meta tags play an important role in SEO. Here, I will show you how to optimize blogger posts by adding the right meta (title, keywords & descriptions) tags.
What are Individual Meta Tags For Each Post in Blogger?
Individual Meta is SEO friendly that search engines can understand what you’re content about, and Different meta tags generate your writing more clear, compelling, and authentic.
Meta tags are usually added by default to Blogger templates. If all of your pages, including your home page, contain descriptions of the same meta tags. Is it wrong? Yes. The same meta tags hunt your SEO and search engine indexing.
When you submitted your blog to the google search console. You'll get warning duplicate meta tags descriptions. Make sure to add automatic different Meta Tags Description in individually post will be more SEO friendly.
Add Individual Meta Tags For Each Post Blogger
In this step-by-step guide, and meta tags codes to unlock blogger SEO. I show you how to put separate description meta tags to each post in your Blogspot blog.
Note: Different blogs are created according to different scripts so before you check, Blogger's maximum theme is created according to this metatag. If you're not an expert, you should back up your theme before you add the Blogger SEO metatag below.
Step 1: Install SEO friendly Title Tags
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/><b:if cond= 'data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
Step 2: Add Individual Meta tag Description
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'><meta content='Your home page description' name='description'/>
<meta content='your keywords, keywords1, keyword2' name='keywords'/>
Step 3: Add Individual Meta Keywords
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='Description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.title.escaped + ", " + data:blog.pageName.escaped + ", Add_your_addtional_keyword_here "' name='keywords'/>
Step 4: Add Meta Close Tags
Step 5: Finally, click Save and Done.
Last thoughts
Meta SEO is quite important for google blogs. I strongly recommend it. This Individual meta tags will make your Blogger google friendly, which tells search engines what the page is about. Meta tags will help your page rank higher in search results. If you have any questions. Let's write to know me in the comment sections.