Nike Zoom Fly - Podiatry Recommended

Nike Zoom Fly
Podiatry Recommended
The Nike Zoom Fly is a great choice for anyone looking for a comfortable running shoe. Although I still prefer the Hoka running shoes for all-around comfort and stellar shock absorption and the New Balance 1540 for stability and the extra depth toe box, the Nike Zoom Fly is a great choice because it has an excellent sole that is thick, rigid and non-flexible, which allows for miles of comfortable running. 

The 4 things that a shoe must have to be comfortable (and podiatry recommended) are:
1. It must have a thick, rigid and non-flexible sole so that there is no motion through foot joints, tendons, ligament and even muscles. It is counterintuitive, but the concept is that less motion equals less pain, inflammation, and swelling.  
2. It has a wide and soft toe box that decreases pressure on the toes, which helps stop or slow the progression of bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, and corns (to name a few). 
3. It has rearfoot control, which allows for more biomechanical control and stability of the foot and ankle structures. 
4. This shoe will also accommodate a custom-molded orthotic or an excellent over-the-counter insert for better arch support

This shoe is recommended for patients with:
*Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain)
*Mild Achilles Tendonitis
*Hallux Rigidus (no motion through the 1st toe joint)
*Hallux Limitus (limited range of motion through the 1st toe joint when you are non-weight bearing)
*Functional Hallux Limitus (limited range of motion through the 1st toe joint when you are weight bearing)
*Morton's Neuroma
*Mild to Moderate Bunions
*History of mild to moderate Lisfranc's Injury
*Tailor's Bunion
*Mild to Moderate Degenerative Joint Disease
*Mild to Moderate Over-Pronation
*Mild Hypermobility / Ligament Laxity

Check with your Podiatrist before wearing this shoe if you have:
*Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve damage)
*Peripheral Vascular Disease (poor circulation)
*History of a severe Lisfranc's Injury
*Rheumatoid Arthritis

This shoe is not recommended for patients with: 
*Charcot Foot
*History of diabetic foot ulcerations

I hope that this was helpful. For more information, please refer to my other articles: 

My feet hurt! Top 10 things to do to alleviate foot pain today. 

Shoe recommendations for patients recovering from Lisfranc's Injuries. 

Have a great day!

Dr. Cathleen A. McCarthy

