I ran with my son and it was awesome

There�s nothing I like better than running by myself. It is my me time, my thinking time, my time away from dealing with that thing called �adult-ing��making critical life decisions, planning lessons, writing blog posts, listening to podcasts or just listening to myself breathe. 
In fact, I�m the first one to tell mothers to RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Get away from the family, make sure you have some time to yourself and don�t feel guilty about it. Take a bath�alone. Use the bathroom�alone! 
I grew up in a family where women did and still do everything, many times to the detriment of their own health. For that reason, I am a fierce advocate of moms getting used to being alone with themselves and not having any qualms about it. If mommy is healthy and happy, chances are the family is too. That�s how I like to live my life.

Read the the rest on my Women's Running Magazine BLOG
