Keeping My Eyes On The Prize

Today is Monday, October 26 and I'm going a little nuts. 

In less than a week, I will hopefully be at the starting line of my first 100K distance at the Javelina Jundred races in Arizona. I'm freaking out a little bit, but at least I finally purchased my plane ticket. I like to keep it, um, interesting and challenging...

I've been sick for over 2 weeks and my training has gone to shit. Also, someone has been stabbing me in my throat and in my left ear, too. Really.

My long runs have been null and void since October 5, when I did 15 hot and muggy miles with a friend (okay, I managed to do 12 today, but I still think that's cutting it close...)

Cross country has been sucking the life out of me. Chorus has sucked the voice out of me and has given me a very persistent case of laryngitis. Work in general has sucked the life out of me, and I actually love my job.

Did I mention that my training has been pretty much non-existent since the beginning of the month?
I can count on my hands the number of times I have run since then. The run that I did on my birthday felt great immediately afterwards. Then about an hour later, I felt really sick and shivery again. Yeah, that was fun.

Life and the cooties (mine and the boy's) got in the way, plus work, writing, and being interviewed , which is pretty awesome but oddly exhausting.

Also, my husband is currently working in his home country, Burkina Faso. Did you know that they recently experienced a military coup d'etat? Yeah, that. So the worry meter has been pretty high. It's tough to comfort your son when you don't even know if his dad is safe. (He is, just  Skyped with him the other day!)

So that has been my October.

But I am keeping my eyes on the prize. I didn't do all those races this summer for nothing, and I definitely want to have something to show for that effort. I'm going to trust my training and thank my body for making me take what was probably a much needed break, so that I'll be mentally and physically ready for the craziness this weekend!

As I said, I finally got a run in today. The running and chafing part of it weren't that pretty, but boy was it the prettiest run I've done in a while!

Check back later on this week for some more panicking about Javelina!
