Comfortable Suede Boots for Autumn - Podiatrist Recommended

Fly London 
Comfortable Suede Boots

Podiatry Recommended for Certain Foot Types 

These are two excellent choices for anyone who is looking for comfortable boots. For a shoe to be comfortable, it must meet these four criteria: 
1. thick, rigid and non-flexible sole, so there is less motion through any areas of pain or mechanical strain.
2. wide, soft toebox
3. rearfoot control
4. arch support (you can add a dress orthotic to these boots) 

Both Fly London boots have a thick, rigid and non-flexible sole, which allows for more comfort for all day wear. A low-wedge heel that doesn't bend or flex through the forefoot area means that there is less mechanical strain to the forefoot joints, muscles, tendons and joint capsules. Less motion through the forefoot area also means less chance of aggravating forefoot issues such as bunions, hammertoes, metatarsalgia and morton's neuromas (to name a few). Even more importantly, the sole has no motion through the midfoot area, which is crucial to prevent (or if you are recovering from) a Lisfranc's joint injury, which is the most common foot fracture that most podiatrists treat. The suede is soft and allows for less pressure on bunions, hammertoes and corns and there is good rearfoot control. An added advantage of the knee high boot is that it has extra-wide fitting. 

These boots are recommended for patients with:
*Mild to Moderate Bunions 
*Mild to Moderate Hammertoes
*Corns & Calluses
*Mild Metatarsalgia
*Mild Morton's Neuroma
*Mild Tailor's Bunion
*Functional Hallux Limitus (limited range of motion through the 1st toe joint)
*Hallux Rigidus (significant limited range of motion through the 1st toe joint) 
*Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain)
*Mild Achilles tendonitis
*Mild Hypermobility
*Mild Over-Pronation (I recommend you wear a dress orthotic with the boot if you over-pronate) 
*Mild Osteoarthritis
*Mild Rheumatoid Arthritis
*Previous History of a Lisfranc's Injury 
*Mild Tendonitis (wear a dress orthotic if possible)

These boots are not recommended for patients with:  
*Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve damage)
*Peripheral Arterial Disease (poor circulation)
*History of Foot Ulcerations
*Charcot Foot
*Severe Hypermobility / Ligament Laxity
*Severe Over-Pronation
*Ankle Instability
*Drop Foot
*History of Instability and Falling
*Severe Over-Supinators

Please check with your podiatrist to see if these boots are appropriate for you. What shoe is appropriate for you is dependent on your foot type, any history of any previous injuries and any underlying systemic conditions such as diabetes. 

For more information, please refer to other articles on this blog:

Shoe recommendations for patient's recovering from Lisfranc's Injuries.

My feet hurt: top ten things to do to alleviate foot pain today.

I hope this was helpful and thank you for reading!

Dr. Cathleen A. McCarthy

