I am in the Outer Banks of North Carolina right now, and I was so tempted to not post today. In the end, I�m feeling restless going to bed without recapping!
Tonight�s sunset
This week�s training:
Monday: 5 mile ace!!! (more below)
Tuesday: Physical Therapy (110 minutes include soft tissue work, core, squats, lunges, and everything else they could think to torture me with!!! Worked haaaard)
Wednesday: 3 miles, foam rolling & stretching.
Thursday: Physical Therapy (75 minutes including soft tissue, squats, core, lunges, running drills and more). IT band and hip very tight.
Friday: Skipped spin class. Tweaked ankle at PT on Thursday.
Saturday: Travel day � lots of driving and then sitting by the pool!
Sunday: 2 rainy miles with my sister on vacation, foam rolling & stretching, a little core work. Left leg is still tiiiight!
On Monday, I ran a local Labor Day race. This was the 5k I first ran after starting running and that I ran again last year for a great PR. This year, I knew I wasn�t up to racing the 5K so I opted to run the 5 mile option as a training run. I�ve ran 5 miles one other time since February. It was in June. So it was great to get back to this distance. I hoped to run slow and easy, but I got a little wrapped up in the race atmosphere. I ran my first 2 miles hard (9:59, 10:13), and then I backed off. I got to that point in a race where it hurts, and I said to myself it�s supposed to HURT! Keep going! But then I realized, nooo, this is a training run, slow down! No hurting! So I slowed down (10:38, 11:42) and had a little kick for the end 10:19. In the end my time of 52:33 was fast for a training run and slow for a race. I am okay with that as I am just beginning to get my mileage back. My feet were sore that day and the next day, but recovered quickly. My IT band has gotten increasingly tight. Check out these bruises from the work my PT has been doing!
I�m thrilled to finish a 10 mile week (which is bittersweet knowing I used to knock out 10 miles in a single run, but I�m cultivating patience)! I�m still struggling to fit in cross-training and physical therapy exercises on top of runs and PT visits. Every bit counts.
This week I�m looking forward to running part of my sister�s first 10 miler with her and getting in a few other workouts. But in the end, taking care of my body, mind and spirit along with tending to my family has to be the priority on vacation. Tomorrow we hit the beach! I�ll be bringing my resistance bands to squeeze in some PT work in between splashing, sand digging, and yes, beer drinking.
Have a great week! Talk to you after vacation!