Marathon Dreams & Short-term Goals


Yesterday was filled with a bit of suspense waiting for the NYC Marathon lottery!


Bummer! I did not get in to the ING New York City Marathon 2012. I wasn�t exactly expecting to get in as such a small percentage does, but it was fun to hope. At the same time, I was super nervous. Putting that marathon on the calendar would put a major deadline on my injury rehab, and I�m not sure I can do that yet. I rationalized that if I got in, I was simply meant to run it, whatever that means. But I didn�t.

So at this point, I am really considering if 26.2 is in the plans for 2012. That was what I said after dropping out of the marathon in March. I�d pick a Fall marathon. I would love to run the Marine Corps Marathon on Team Best for Babes fundraising for an organization and cause that I love.


But, I�m not sure that�s a great idea at this point. In fact, I�m totally sure that�s not a great idea. Right now, I am logging zero miles. There are just over 26 weeks until MCM 2012. That means I�d need to be ready to start marathon training in 6-8 weeks. Do I think if everything worked out perfectly that it could happen? Sure. But everything would have to work out perfectly. I�d need to be running in 2 weeks and be able to build a base with zero issues and then be covered in fairy dust or something in order to survive marathon training without irritating just healed injuries.

So I guess that�s my answer. I would love to run 26.2 in 2012 as planned, but it�s just not a good choice for my body and long term goals. Instead, I�m going to concentrate on getting back up to speed (pun totally intended), hopefully getting a 5K PR, and tackling this amazing race.


This race starts practically in my back yard and goes across this fabulous state (despite what everyone else says!) to finish on the beach in Island Beach. A team of 12 people cover 200 miles in 24 hours.

beach nj 

I am totally excited about this, and I am in the process of building a team! If you or someone else you know might be interested in joining us, let me know here or on Facebook.


And finally, in the very short term � the next 6 weeks, I am going to do something I don�t usually do. I�m going to focus on the scale. I�ve gained 10lbs since having to stop running, and I still had 20-ish lbs left to lose before that to get to a healthy weight for my height and build. The added weight does not making running any easier on my body, and it is one more frustration to deal with in addition to not being able to run. It�s got to go. So, I am being bold and planning to lose at least 11lbs between now and my 30th birthday in June. It�s within healthy guidelines of 2lbs per week for sustainable weight loss, and it is completely doable if I focus on my portions, avoid emotional eating, and get to the gym to get in some cardio in addition to all my strength exercises.

This is not a weight loss blog, and I usually don�t do this, but for the next 6 weeks, I will post a weekly weigh-in on Fridays to keep myself on track with this goal. On weigh-in day, I�ll also share something that is either working great for me or a challenge I�m having when it comes to health, nutrition, and fitness.

Also let me declare loudly and clearly, the scale does not define me. It�s a tool that I am choosing to set a goal with at this time. This is about getting back on track to a healthier, stronger, and fitter body.

Does anyone else have a goal they�d like to set for the next 6 months? How can I help you be accountable for it? It does not need to be health or fitness related!
