Rock 'n' Roll Recap - aka the slowest half marathon EVER!

This recap is a little late in getting posted - apologies!  I have a lot of food allergies, and on Monday night my body decided to add one more - watermelon! Boooooo.... so after an epi-pen in the leg and a trip to the ER, I've spent the last day or so trying to recover from the shock to my body while doped up on antihistamines and steroids.

But anyways, back to my recap. Saturday was the Rock 'n' Roll USA Marathon & Half Marathon. The goal was to not injure myself further and to have FUN! Mission accomplished.

A few last minute changes to the plan. Kristie who was originally running the marathon with me, but then was injured after the Philadelphia marathon, was going to join me in the slowest half marathon ever. Unfortunately, Friday night, she was not feeling well and made the wise decision to sit this one out. Enter: Colleen. This chick has worked her way up to a 3 mile run and never considered a half marathon but I assured, it'd be no issue, being the slowest half marathon EVER! So she was in. We found her a green shirt, and we were ready to roll.

The night before we were talking to Colleen's sister on the phone (who has rocked the Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas marathon twice now!). She made a joke about people who take pictures at every mile marker while racing, and I quickly responded CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! ala Barney Stinson. So that is what we did. We started out with a Diet Coke bottle and handhelds filled with Guinness and stopped for every picture opportunity EVER!

We ran out of beer around mile 7, but hit up some guys hanging out on their steps watching the race for refills - SCORE!  Colleen asked the guys if we were winning, and their response was "yea, AT LIFE!" We ran out again a little later and some other nice people helped us out. It was nothing short of fabulous and hysterical. At one of the last water stations, a nice lady with a water pitcher offered to refill my handheld for me, and I quickly said no thanks.... I was about 10 steps past her when it clicked and she said, "There's beer in there, isn't there?!"  I looked back and told her I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about with the biggest grin on my face.

Colleen finished her first ever half marathon, and I finished my slowest. We weren't last!

As for the injuries... my knee had me in a lot of pain the day before walking around D.C. We tried to run across the start line to escape the crowd, but there was some bad sharp pains so we quickly stopped and walked the rest. But we did run across the finish... and it didn't hurt at all. In fact, my knee didn't hurt all day, or the next day, and still doesn't now!  Who knew that walking a half marathon is what would fix it!

The plantar fasciitis is doing okay. It's not gone, but there are days I don't notice it and when I do it's not bad. Once I recover from the allergy fiasco, I'm going to hit the bike and elliptical at the gym, and then maybe this weekend or Monday I'll hit the treadmill for a short, easy test run. I'm thinking I'm going to have back out of my 10 mile race on May 6, but I'll figure that out in the next week or so.
