Links I love

It's been a while since I posted some links I was loving, but here's some of the stuff I've been loving lately.

A few from the Bloggess who is usually laugh-until-you-pee funny but also fights depression. Her writing is brave and inspiring. Her outlook makes me feel like I'm not alone while reminding me of how I want to fight. Tightrope walker and The Fight Goes On and Wow.

2011 Lesson #2: Don't Carpe Diem from the Momastery. This is the first I'd seen this blog, but the post was shared on facebook by a friend and I love it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't enjoy the "enjoy every moment of parenting" advice people like to give, but I am so thankful for those kairos moments described. Plus with posts like this, I will be definitely be a regular reader! I laughed so hard I nearly woke up the boy I was cuddling to sleep.
Say hi to a good friend of mine on her new blog RiantRunner and her first post Welcome to 2012 - The Year to Listen and Manifest. She's a runner and coach, starting her yoga certification, and halfway through school to become a health counselor. I look forward to reading more from her!

Finally I love everything from Another Mother Runner, but I especially loved all of their Why I Run series from December. Each post resonated with me in a different way, reminding me how much I love to run and why I do it!
