It is the final PLANKS Challenge post before the final re-test! Haven't done much? Squeeze in ONE core workout this week. Your body will thank you. Every little bit counts!
Just like the PLANKS Challenge tagline, "tough as nails". It feels good to be strong, to be tough. Having a attitude sometimes means you're just that hardcore and you're not letting anything get in your way. Having a bad attitude is better than having no attitude. It might just be one more stop on the way to a good attitude.
Instead of fighting the bad attitude within, embrace it. I've got my first my mud run this Saturday, and I'm embracing my inner bad ass to mentally prepare for trucking through the woods, covered in mud, climbing walls, and arm crawling under wires.
In this depression I've been fighting, I've had this overwhelming urge to dye my hair like this, pierce something, and get a few tattoos. It's like this attitude inside is trying to ooze right out of me. I'm getting my hair cut on Friday. We'll see how that goes. Don't worry mom, no dye yet.
So maybe it's time to stop fighting the bad attitude and embrace. Pick your workout, tackle it, kick ass and take names. Go do something that feels a little bad-ass.
The last blog topic for the challenge is Abtastic Attitude! Life After Bagels posted about Attitude Adjustments. I'm going to tell you about using a bad attitude, because that's what I've had lately.
So you've got a bad attitude, use it. Sometimes it feels good to have a bad attitude. Some it feels good to be a little bad-ass. And you can use that to your advantage in getting to your fitness goals! Back in January, I posted to facebook, "4 miles, 18 degrees, can't help but feel a little badass." Sure it might not have been a big deal to a lot of people, but to me, running 4 miles with snow on the ground and in 18 degree temps was just a little bad ass. It was a whole lot bad ass in comparison to sitting my butt on the couch or claiming it was too cold outside to get a workout in. I felt strong, like I conquered something. I felt tough.Just like the PLANKS Challenge tagline, "tough as nails". It feels good to be strong, to be tough. Having a attitude sometimes means you're just that hardcore and you're not letting anything get in your way. Having a bad attitude is better than having no attitude. It might just be one more stop on the way to a good attitude.
Instead of fighting the bad attitude within, embrace it. I've got my first my mud run this Saturday, and I'm embracing my inner bad ass to mentally prepare for trucking through the woods, covered in mud, climbing walls, and arm crawling under wires.
In this depression I've been fighting, I've had this overwhelming urge to dye my hair like this, pierce something, and get a few tattoos. It's like this attitude inside is trying to ooze right out of me. I'm getting my hair cut on Friday. We'll see how that goes. Don't worry mom, no dye yet.
So maybe it's time to stop fighting the bad attitude and embrace. Pick your workout, tackle it, kick ass and take names. Go do something that feels a little bad-ass.