International Nestle-free Week

Welcome to a Nestle-Free Zone.  My family has been boycotting nestle products 100% for about 6 months now.

This week, October 25 - October 31, 2010 is a International Nestle-free Week, and I thought it would be a good time to tell you about it.  Honestly, there are so many other folks who have compiled fabulous information and resources that what I am going to do is share my favorite links with you.  I encourage you to check it out to find out why Nestle's business practices need to be stopped.  It isn't about whether you formula feed or breastfeed.  It's about ethics.

International Nestle-Free Week Press release by Baby Milk Action

What did Nestle do to deserve a boycott? by Boo Nestle

Questions for the #noNestle Boycotters: My Response by phdinparenting

Why I Protest Nestl?�s Unethical Business Practices by phdinparenting

Nestle boycott form letter by The Leaky B@@B

There are a ton of other great links and resources out there, but here's a start, and many of these link up to others.  Check it out and consider going Nestle free for a week or forever!
