What's that in the school play?

A bird?  A plane?  A superhero? 

(Whispered wondering)

"What IS that boy supposed to be?"  "Is he cookie monster?"  "Who made his costume?"  "He's a bird?  No, he's not."  "Oh that's his mom over there"  "Oh dear... poor boy."  "I usually like homemade costumes, but really she should have went out and bought one"  "I hope she pays someone to make it for her next time"

Yep, this will definitely be a that mom moment.  I can see it now.  My son's school play this year will be The Little Mermaid.  My son has been assigned a role as a bird.  This is the note I received home. 

Costumes can be made by hand or bought or rented.  Check online for different ways to make or buy these types of costumes.  Usually the homemade ones are the most creative and come out the best.

Translation:  The good moms make their kids costumes, and they look like belong on Broadway.

I have two choices here..   Buy one and be that mom... the one who buys her kid's costume for the school play.  Or I can make one and be that mom... the mom who really should have bought her kid's costume and shows off her complete lack of creativity and skills. 

Wait.  There's one more choice.  Ohhh, and I'm liking this one already.  Buy a homemade costume by some lovely crafty and talented person with a small online boutique or maybe who sells on Etsy, and let everyone believe that I made it.  Now, I'll have to make sure it's not too good.  I mean, we want this to be realistic.  This just might work.
