I was taking pictures of spaces in our home for another project and thought I might give you all a tour. So, come on over! Today, we start with our playroom. Why the playroom? Because it's one of the *almost* finished spaces in our home, and as a result, is also one of my favorite spaces.
The shelf above the kitchen is a fairly recent addition and hasn't quite been organized yet. Oh, and that white t-shirt hanging like dirty laundry on the easel is our artist's smock kept at the ready.
About half of these bins have been organized. I haven't decided how to label the brown ones with the little animals on it. These originated in the little man's Noah's Ark nursery. (They were plain brown bins bought at Bed, Bath, and Beyond decorated with wooden animals found at Michael's. They were one of my favorite touches in his nursery.) Oh, and yes the fish tank is off-center, because when we moved more than 6 months ago, my husband didn't realize it wasn't center when he then proceeded to fill it with water making it very, very heavy and coincidentally (or not so much) very, very difficult to move. Moving it is on the to-do list, but honestly, it's pretty low on the list. I imagine eventually have dress up clothes hanging from the hooks on the right but for now it holds my son's baby carrier for his dolls, his backpack for school, and a water bottle (because we would never want to be without water... the kitchen is a whole 15 steps away, well for the little man it might be 25 steps).
This spot of blank wall over the train table has had many makeovers, they've just all been in my head so far. Originally, to go with our subtle jungle motif, I wanted to get something like this to put on the wall there, but the price tag delayed that purchase. Since we've moved into the stage of art projects and creations (which I understand is one that sticks around for a while), I've considered making this a "Little Man's Originals" walls where we can display the latest and greatest art of the Little Man. This is my current theory, we'll see how many times it changes before I get around to doing it. Oh yea, and this room clearly needs curtains or valances or something on those windows!
I'm not sure if you've noticed yet... but I love labels. They make me giddy. Add in the fact that I got to use my laminator on some of these, and I was downright euphoric! But seriously, labels are the picture of freedom to me. I know most might consider them restricting or too confining, but for me, knowing exactly where things go frees my mind up to do other things! I can clean up the playroom in minutes because things just get tossed into their appropriate bins without me sitting their agonizingly (for everyone present) trying to decide what should go in which bin and how in the world we're going to organize this mess. Yes, that is what happened every time we cleaned up.... in fact, there were days (cough cough... maybe even weeks) where I completely avoided cleaning up in there because I couldn't bare to try to wrap my mind around the task of finding the perfect little home for each thing. And even when I'd find the perfect little home for each thing, by the time I had to clean it up again, I'd wonder maybe that isn't the perfect home, and it would start all over again. So I, along with my poor husband and kids, are embracing the FREEDOM that labels bring us (ok, me, but they enjoy having their mom back from the mysterious world of planning and organizing that exists in her head).